• Whole Child.  Whole Future.  Cresthaven Academy Charter School.


  • Each school year, Cresthaven Academy Charter School enrolls 75 kindergarten students and backfills any open seats in grades 1-8. Admission is determined by a random lottery. There is no tuition fee. All students in Plainfield, including English Language Learners and students with disabilities, are encouraged to apply. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are now closed. Applications will re-open post our lottery on February 1, 2025.Set your scholar on the path to college!  Apply to Cresthaven Academy today in person, online, or by mail.



  • How does the admissions and lottery process work?

    1. Application for enrollment must be submitted by February 17th, 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.

    2. Applications will be reviewed and preferences (sibling or in-district) will be verified by a member of the admissions department at Cresthaven Academy

    3. The random lottery will be held on February 24th, 2025 for the 25-26 school year.

    4. Each applicant will receive a random number generated by the lottery. This number will indicate your placement for either the offered seats or waitlist for the 25-26 school year.

    5. Siblings of currently enrolled Cresthaven Academy students will receive priority placement for any open seats within the associated grade level. If no seats are available for that grade level, the student will be placed at the top of the waitlist.

    6. Plainfield residents will receive in-district preference for the lottery. If there are any open seats in that grade level after sibling priority has been established, placement will be given to the students with in-district preference based on the random lottery.

    7. All additional students will be placed on the waitlist based on the random lottery. Applications received post-lottery will be added to the bottom of the waitlist based on the timeline in which they submit the completed application.

    8. If your child has been offered a seat for the 25-26 school year, someone from the Admissions Office will be in contact with you. You may also review the placement on the applicant's schoolmint account.

  • School Transportation

  • What documents are needed to enroll?

  • What if my child is placed on the waitlist?

  • What does in-district preference mean?

  • Is there sibling preference?

  • Do we need to live in Plainfield to apply?

  • What are the requirements to apply?

  • Does Cresthaven Academy charge tuition?

  • When can I apply for my child to attend Cresthaven Academy?

  • Can I still apply for the current school year?

  • How can I find out the results of the lottery?

  • When is the Cresthaven Academy public lottery held?

  • Admissions Specialist

    Paola Gerardi   
    Phone: (908) 756-1234, ext. 1631